I got a macbook pro for christmas and I managed to get flash 8 on it yay :) i've made a few songs and submitted a madness animation I did originally for a collab. Check them out if you're bored. I did, before, start making this big-ass madness movie, (of which i've done only several frames) I need to convert cs3 files to flash 8 files. How?
Edit- I'm all sorted now really...
Edit 2 - lol r.i.p http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/26 2f421f99efe38159cc91182c892450
also. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /397509
You stole mah bike!
Damn it I saw i had a comment and I get a funny thing :/ i was hoping for some help on my flash converting dilemma. Thanks anyway though and yeah I sold it for crack.